Solid Waste Management

Current waste management practices in Africa are causing economic, social and environmental impacts. There is an urgent need for African Counties to address current waste management challenges. Some wastes will eventually rot, but not all, and in the process it may smell, or generate methane gas, which is explosive and contributes to the greenhouse effect. The rate of solid waste generation has increased to a devastating and uncontrollable rate in Africa as a result of human daily and economic activities. Although, the issue of indiscriminate solid waste disposal is an almost a global one, modernization, high standard of living, increase in population and excessive urbanization over the years has drastically contributed to the generation of waste, through industrial and domestic activities. Environments close to dump sites are exposed to significant and rapid environmental degradation. Solid waste disposal sites are found on the outskirts of the urban areas, turning into the child sources of contamination due to the incubation and proliferation of flies, mosquitoes, and rodents; that in turn, are disease transmitters that affect population’s health. According to Marshal (1995), open dumpsites are a major problem to the environment, especially on the air that the people inhale. Wrensh (1990) stated that dumpsites maybe a source of airborne chemical contamination via off site migration of gases and the particles and chemicals adhering to dust, especially during the period of active operation of the site. Rivers and huge water bodies are now dumpsites for all kinds of rubbish. This has led to microplastic pollution. Plastic debris can be destructive to marine habitats.

Ultimately, we all share this planet, and global ecosystems influence each other-what happens in one eventually find its way to another. Microplastic pollution can also result in food-borne diseases with overwhelming health consequences. When the aquatic life is contaminated, humans too become victims since aquatic life is a major source of food to many. Nigeria alone produces an estimated 32 million tons of solid waste per year, one of the highest amount in Africa. Of that figure, plastic constitutes 2.5 million tons (>africa). Despite the huge amount of waste in our environment, it is important to state here that waste management practices in most part of the African continent is poor. There is the widespread dumping of wastes in water bodies and the continues use of uncontrolled dumpsites across the African continent. But, wastes don’t have to continue affecting the environment if we all think big and act quickly. That is why ACEF has come up with an improved waste management method, through the provision of community waste management facilities. ACEF is interested in constructing controlled dumpsites across Africa. We also interested in giving value to non-biodegradable wastes like plastics and e-waste.We are also looking on to providing movable trash cans on the corners of public places across Africa. We have also conceived the vision of partnering with states and local governments across the continent on the issue of tackling poor waste management practices. We could do more and even better if you support us today.