ACEF Cameroon

ACEF Cameroon Environment Week 1st-5th June 2021
Sensitization Campaign in Markets and Motor Parks in Limbe on June 1st 2021. We are not leaving anyone behind in the fight against climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. We understand that most of our mothers in Africa are not on social media, they don't listen to radio, neither do they watch TV. Most of them are ignorant on the topic of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. We have to device strategies to educate them on the impacts of their activities on various ecosystems and on the climate. The battle for ecosystem restoration can be won only if we get everybody involved. ACEF Cameroon visited major markets and motor parks in Limbe-Cameroon to preach ACEF's Gospel on Ecosystem Restoration. It was a successful day as most of the people in the market understood the message passed on and agreed to join ACEF Cameroon in the fight against climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
#ecosystemrestoration #GenerationRestoration #acefforagreenerfuture




Sensitization Campaign in Markets and Motor Parks in Limbe on June 1st 2021.
+ We are not leaving anyone behind in the fight against climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
+ We understand that most of our mothers in Africa are not on social media, they don't listen to radio, neither do they watch TV. Most of them are ignorant on the topic of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.
+ We have to device strategies to educate them on the impacts of their activities on various eco-systems and on the climate.
+ The battle for ecosystem restoration can be won only if we get everybody involved.

ACEF Cameroon visited major markets and motor parks in Limbe-Cameroon to preach ACE-F's Gospel on Ecosystem Restoration. It was a successful day as most of the people in the market understood the message passed on and agreed to join ACEF Cameroon in the fight against climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.


ACEF Cameroon Radio Talk on June 02, 2021
ACEF Cameroon had a radio talk where they addressed environmental related issues and sen-sitized listeners about man and the environment. They also did a presentation about ACEF and the activities ACEF is carrying out to restore the environment and fight climate change. During the radio talk, some listeners called and contributed positively towards the program and urged the government to support organizations like ACEF to help restore and preserve our ecosystem.


ACEF Cameroon Clean-up Campaign on 03/06/2021
Plastics pose a lot of problems in our communities due to their persistent nature. Wastes in Cameroon are not being sorted at home, in addition, streets lack trash bags. These makes it difficult for waste to be managed properly. Improper waste disposal clogs roadside drainage systems resulting in overflowing of runoff and eventual flooding during raining season. During clean-up campaign today, ACEF Cameroon members took it upon themselves to clean the drainage systems in Limbe as an example for people to copy and practice.


ACEF Cameroon Visit to A Botanic Garden on 03/06/2021
ACEF Team Cameroon visited the Botanic Garden, Limbe, South West Region Cameroon to see various tree species, fruit trees, medicinal plants etc, that can be planted in different communities across Cameroon. Gardens are important to the planet as they represent na-ture. Gardens play very important roles in human lives as they reduce stress, produce oxy-gen, encourage outdoor activities, sequester carbondioxide etc... So as we strive to restore the ecosystem, we should also protect our gardens which act as reserves for endangered and threatened species.


ACEF Cameroon School Sensitization Campaigns On 04/06/2021
It is everyone's responsibility to preserve the natural state of our lovely ecosystem which has a myriad of life saving benefits to humanity. Youths in Cameroon in particular and Africa at large have to be actively involved in the fight against environmental degradation. Let's work together in restoring our degraded environment. Yes it was degraded for various reasons and some of the reasons were beneficial to us but now let's restore that natural beauty of the land, gully reclamation, desist from stream bank cultivation, practice af-forestation and do away with deforestation. Together we can positively impact our communi-ties. Yes climate change is real and it is daily impacting our lives negatively but as youths in Cameroon and Africa as a whole, let's unite and build resilience to the climate change induced droughts, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and ensure a food secured Cameroon, and a weather friendly Africa. Restoration of ecosystem begins with me and it begins with you. Together we can make an ecosystem friendly communities in Cameroon and in Africa at large To celebrate world environment day, ACEF Team Cameroon carried out sensitization cam-paigns in Government High School Mile 4, Limbe and Presbyterian Girls High School, Limbe. They educated the students on the dangers of some human activities on the environment, the importance of planting trees, and proper waste management and also emphasised that the youths are part of the solution to ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION Support ACEF today for ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION.


A message from the Vice Chair of ACEF Ekue Peter Ekoa to Youths across Africa in Celebration of World Environment Day.

A Poem written by from Cameroon and recited by ACEF’s Poverty Alleviation and Skills Aquitistion Officer in celebration of World Environment Day on June 5th, 2021.

These young people need resources to continue with their efforts. Please support their activities Now.
Thank you.
#ACEF for a Greener Future!
