Hunger & Poverty Alleviation

Poverty, aside from making life a struggle for those mired in it, impacts entire economies. A country with 80% of its population lacking access to financial services will not progress ( Unfortunately, Africa as a continent is extremely poor. According to International Futures ( IFs), Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for roughly 60% of the global population living in poverty in 2020 and it is expected that Africa will represent approximately 87% of the global poor by 2030. Africa is the world's last frontier in the fight against extreme poverty.

Today, one in three Africans live below the global poverty line as they live on less than $1 per day. They represent more than 70% of the world's poorest people. Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, Ivory coast, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Gambia, Ghana, Chad, Guinea, Burundi, Guinea Bissau, Burkina Faso, DR Congo, Central African Republic, just to mention but a few, are all in the list of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries ( HIPCs) , ( Extreme poverty leads to hunger in Africa. More than a quarter of the hungry in the world live on the African continent.1/5 of people living in Africa are considered malnourished. This gives the continent the highest rate of malnourished people worldwide ( 28 of the world's poorest countries are African. Sub-Saharan Africa is home to the second largest population of hungry people. Poor people often lack hopes for the future because they live in a lie. The lie of poverty, that is reinforced day-in and day-out is, "you don't matter." This is really sad. The poverty rate of African countries is also greatly reflected in the percentage of the population of African with access to electricity. Approximately 600 million Africans lack access to electricity with some countries like Sudan, Central African Republic, Chad, Niger, and Somalia having electricity coverage of only 1%, 3%, 9%, 14%, and 18% respectively.

ACEF mission is to rekindle the hopes of the poor and vulnerable people in Africa through its poverty alleviation programs. ACEF harnesses the power of the private sector to benefit the poor in Africa. We support and encourage sustainable agricultural practices, which seeks to produce sustainable growth while ensuring future generations' ability to do the same by not exceeding the regenerative capacity of nature. ACEF also sponsors entrepreneurship and skills acquisition programs, to empower women and youth, while at the same time tackling energy poverty through the provision of solar panels to light-up the nooks and crannies in Africa. We work with enterprising people across Africa to help them improve their incomes, lives, and communities. ACEF aim to create a channel through which local farmers and small business owners can access finance ( ACEF-owned Micro Finance) to obtain grants and soft loans to expand their production. We act as both think tank and active implementer of ideas in practice for the African continent. ACEF is committed to helping families and individuals across Africa improve their lives and achieve lasting victories over hunger and poverty. Join and support ACEF today to make Africa a better place.