Nature Conservation & Restoration
Forest and water resources are continually being exploited across the African continent. It is a well-known fact that forest keep our climate stable, absorb carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, and they regulate our water supply and improve its quality. Unfortunately, human impacts have already led to the loss of around 40% of the world’s forests. There is too much pressure on the forests in Africa. In Cameroon for instance, in the year 2002, annual production of timber was around two million cubic metres over a surface area of some 300,000 hectares. In Ghana, there are evidences of illegal logging operations. Ghana’s forests are disappearing rapidly, primarily due to logging, commercial logging for export and the domestic market. Mali’s primary energy source is wood and overcutting for fuel is a serious problem. There are even more severe cases of forest exploitation across Africa. Another unfortunate tragedy is the fact that wildlife in most of these natural forests is being destroyed both intentionally and unintentionally. There is this traditional method of hunting practiced in most part of Africa, where hunters would set a bush ablaze in order to trap animals.
This is hilarious! Animals and their habitats are being destroyed day-in and day-out. The water resource too is constantly being over exploited. Along the coast of Africa and in many African countries (particularly coastal communities), there are thousands of fishing trawlers that indiscriminately catch fishes and other aquatic animals. We understand that fisheries directly contribute to the African economy, in providing food and employment, but, there is a need to regulate the activity. In addition, surface water bodies across Africa are continually being polluted from municipal and industrial wastewater, surface runoff, and plastics. These affects the quality of water bodies which negatively affects aquatic biota. Just like the forest and water resources, land too in the African continent is being degraded through various human activities. The environmental impacts of mining across Africa has resulted in erosion, contamination of soil, loss of biodiversity, sinkholes as well as contamination of ground and surface water. In Nigeria, mineral exploration and processing have caused varying degree of environmental damage which inter alia include alteration of ecological state, landscape degradation, and destruction of soil flora and fauna.
To curb the menace, ACEF has put in place a lot of programs. First, ACEF is taking every necessary step to see to it that the laws protecting natural resources are strictly and effectively implemented in all parts of the continent. We are also sensitizing and educating the African populace on the dangers of over-exploitation of the environment. We also have members who visit schools to enlighten the younger generation on the harmful effects of over exploitation to a people. ACEF also organizes workshops on how to tackle these issues. Aside our sensitization moves, we train local hunters on different skills to better their lives through our skills acquisition programs. Those that are involved in illegal logging and over fishing are given access to grants and soft loans in order for them to harness other business opportunities. We also carryout water quality modelling to determine the quality of surface water and report to the necessary government body to take actions. ACEF performs massive tree planting on degraded lands to restore the lands to their initial state. We believe that with your support, we can achieve more success. Support ACEF to protect the African continent